Therapist Approved

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The Dawn Clock™ is super simple and user-friendly!
"A multi-service device that can be used my children, adults and the elderly alike, it can be customised according to the individuals needs.
The Dawn Clock™ perfect for children, teenagers and young adults that are wanting to increase their independence with self-care by setting reminders throughout the day for bathing, medication administering and time management (eg appointment reminders). This would be suitable for individuals with diagnosis of ASD, intellectual disability, mental health or trauma, or those with executive functioning and organisation difficulties.
Similarly, The Dawn Clock™ is perfect for adults with memory difficulties or Dementia, mental health that affects memory and organisation, or those wanting to increase independence with ADLs and ensuring all tasks are completed.
With the assistance of someone that can read and assist with setup of the individual alarms (with very straightforward instructions!), this device is super user-friendly.
The extra bonus, the screen is plain and not overwhelming with information, has large font and is perfectly sized for easy discrimination between digits.
I will definitely be recommending this affordable and beneficial device to clients in the future!"

Emily Dawn Clocks
Emily Newbold
Occupational Therapist
BHlthSc Disability Studies and BHlthSc Masters of Occupational Therapy

Emily is a Sydney-based Occupational Therapist.
She loves helping families and engaging parents and siblings in therapy where possible. Emily strongly believes frequency of therapeutic methods (such as practising what you learn in OT at home) is the key to achieving goals.